Citrus fruits like tangerines are not toxic for cats. However, they are a source of limonene and linalool, which are poisonous to cats. Dogs, on the other hand, can eat tangerines and strew peels all over the house. These citrus fruits are highly nutritious for humans, but they are not good for your feline friend. So, when feeding tangerines to your cat, be sure to limit the exposure to the fruit.
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Citrus fruits are poisonous to cats
Although oranges are edible for humans, citrus fruits are very toxic to cats. Citrus fruits contain varying concentrations of citric acid and essential oils. Citrus can lead to depression of the central nervous system, which can cause seizures, vomiting, or even death. Fortunately, ingesting citrus fruit flesh rarely causes significant problems, though you should watch your cat closely when you give them an orange peel. Essential oils can cause similar symptoms when inhaled by a cat, including vomiting and diarrhea.
Citrus fruits are toxic to cats because they contain psoralens, an essential oil. These oils are found in citrus fruits and are often used in food additives or cleaners. While oranges are a good choice for human use, cats are especially susceptible to citrus poisoning because they often nibble on the leaves. If your cat eats citrus fruit, be sure to take it to a veterinarian for a thorough examination.
Dogs can eat tangerines
Although tangerines are not a good choice for humans, they can be a healthy snack for your dog. Tangerines are natural seedless, and are similar to oranges, mandarins, and clementines. If your pup loves tangerines, try giving him a few pieces. But be sure to watch your pup’s behavior and limit the amount. The sugar in tangerines may lead to dental caries, weight gain, and irregular blood sugar.
Tangerines are high in fiber, which helps to move waste through the digestive tract. However, too much fiber can upset your dog’s stomach, preventing it from absorbing essential nutrients. Moreover, dogs’ digestive tracts are not large and have a narrow, short, and delicate design. That’s why high-fiber foods should be avoided. This is true for tangerines, as they contain more fiber than your dog needs.
Tangerines contain limonene and linalool
Both limonene and linoleic acid are aromatic compounds found in citrus fruits. These compounds have medicinal and calming properties. They can be found in the peel of citrus fruits, as well as in some environmentally friendly pesticides. However, there are no human studies on the benefits of limonene and linoleic acid. Nevertheless, limonene is an important nutrient for the body and can be found in many products.
Tangerine essential oil is derived from the peel of a tangerine. This citrus fruit contains 85-93% limonene, which is a powerful antioxidant. Tangerine and mandarin essential oils are similar in composition, but tangerine is preferred by many manufacturers due to its higher alcohol content. Regardless of which citrus oil is more popular for cosmetics, tangerine is the most commonly used, with many uses.
They cause strewn peels
A cat may have no idea that tangerines can be harmful to their health, but this shouldn’t stop them from enjoying their tasty fruits. Tangerines contain large amounts of citric acid, which can be irritant to the walls of the digestive tract. If your cat eats tangerines, you should be prepared for the resulting strewn peels.
Citrus fruits are poisonous to cats, and tangerine peels are no exception. Tangerines are rich in essential oils that are toxic to your cat’s digestive system and can harm its nervous system. Citrus fruits are considered the strongest immune boosters for humans, but they have no such benefits for felines. However, cats can consume the peel of other citrus fruits.
They are a good source of potassium
Cats with renal problems should eat a diet rich in potassium. While specially formulated cat foods usually contain safe levels of potassium, you should still monitor potassium intake in your pet’s diet. Cats’ kidneys are responsible for filtering excess potassium and excreting it through urination. If they don’t function properly, an accumulation of potassium in the bloodstream can lead to cardiac arrhythmias, muscle spasms, weakness, and lethargy.
However, oranges are not good for cats because the peel contains a high concentration of citric acid and essential oils. These can upset the stomach and affect the cat’s nervous system. Cats don’t need to eat fruits high in vitamin C because their liver is capable of producing it on its own. Also, consuming citrus fruits can cause a cat to develop kidney stones. Tangerines, grapefruit, and lemons are toxic to cats.