Category Cats

Can Cats Hear Your Heartbeat?

The normal heart rate for cats is 140 to 220 beats per minute. In some cases, a cat may hear or smell your heartbeat. But what if you notice a sudden decrease in heart rate? Then you may need to…

Why Do Cats Have Black Spots in Their Mouth?

If you’re wondering why your cat has black spots in its mouth, you’re not alone. There are many reasons for this pigmentation, including Periodontal disease, Genetic condition, or a genetic problem. Here are a few things you should know. In…

How Long Do Tuxedo Cats Live Indoors?

If you’re wondering how long tuxedo cats live indoor, read this article. They have a relatively short lifespan, 15 years on average, and are known to be hypoallergenic. As a bonus, they tend to grow rapidly. However, you can keep…

Why Do Cats Kill Their Kittens?

Some cats kill their kittens for a variety of reasons, including when they are threatened, handled by another cat, or the scent of their mother is obscured. Other kitten deaths occur due to a number of other circumstances, such as…

Can Cats Eat Boiling Chick?

Have you ever wondered, Can cats eat boiled chick? Chicken is an excellent source of protein. However, raw chicken has certain dangers for cats. E. coli and Salmonella can cause serious gastrointestinal problems. It’s best to make chicken meat completely…

Why Do Cats Not Get Bored?

If you want to keep your cat from being bored, you should provide plenty of fun activities in your home. Interactive toys will engage your cat’s natural hunting instinct. Rotate toys frequently and provide a safe environment that is interesting…

Why Do Cats Hit You For No Reason?

There are many reasons why cats may attack you. You can blame Predatory instincts, Untrained cats, or play aggression. If your cat is untrained or unable to control his behavior, you can try Positive reinforcement training to break the cycle.…

Why Can’t Cats Laugh?

The reason why cats can’t laugh isn’t completely clear. Some scientists say that the lack of facial expressions and squeaks is due to the evolution of their features. While some cats purr, others open their mouth and pant in the…