Snapping Turtles – Can They Live With Other Turtles?

There are several different species of snapping turtle, but there is a common one. Here’s a brief guide to the species’ carapace, care, and habitat. It’s important to keep the tank clean. Every 2-4 weeks, the substrate and decorations should be scrubbed and dipped in a 10% bleach bath to prevent bacterial and algal growth. You should also perform a 30% water change every 1-2 weeks to maintain water quality. For best results, use non-chlorinated treated water for the aquarium. You can also change the sand or mud bottom every 2-4 weeks. Snapping turtles will eat almost anything that fits in their large, powerful beaks.

Common snapping turtle

The Common Snapping Turtle is a beautiful, affordable reptile that lives in temperate regions of North America. This species is the official reptile of New York State, and is well known for its powerful jaws and long neck. Despite its short lifespan, the Common Snapping Turtle is capable of thriving in captivity. This species needs an aqua-terrarium to thrive. They can live with other turtles, as long as they have plenty of room to move about.


The keels on snapping turtles become less noticeable as they grow older, and the carapace is smooth and dark. Older specimens have smooth shells, but the carapace is still dark in color, often covered with algae growth. The plastron is small, and the legs and feet are fully webbed. The chin is covered with two barbels. The male snapping turtle has a much larger tail base than the female. It has a vent behind the edge of the carapace.


The habitat of snapping turtles is in ponds, lakeshores, and other bodies of water. The species is endemic to the southwestern United States. The Snapping Turtle has a diverse diet and a wide range of habitats. Its reproduction is a long-term process. The female typically lays twenty to forty eggs, each measuring ping pong ball size. Crows, raccoons, and other predators may attack the eggs and kill the hatchlings. Because the snapping turtle has a temperature-dependent sex determination, eggs laying at 73-75degF will produce only males.


Although Snapping Turtles are relatively docile, they are territorial. In the wild, they would not be able to live with other turtles because of their territorial nature. Because of this, cohabitation with other species should be avoided. Snapping turtles can be quite aggressive and may attack if they perceive a threat. If you have a snapping turtle in your aquarium, you may want to remove him and keep it in another tank to prevent the ambush behavior.

Care tips

To keep your snapping turtle happy and healthy, here are a few tips. Snapping turtles prefer a three-gallon tank with one to three inches of water. They also need a substrate that resembles gravel or smooth pebbles, and they prefer a damp environment. If you live in an area that doesn’t get enough sunlight, you should consider buying a low-hanging heat lamp or greenhouse for your turtle. The temperature should not drop below 65 degrees fahrenheit, as the snapper will simply refuse to eat. Also, be sure to get a filtration system that has adequate foam or a similar material for your turtle’s needs. As your turtle grows, you’ll need a more sophisticated filter.


When cleaning your snapping turtle, you want to be gentle and avoid agitating it. Its back has more defined textures and is more susceptible to algal growth and dead skin buildup. While large and medium-sized turtles can have their limbs lightly brushed, small ones may have tricky limbs. Remember that a snapping turtle’s limbs will automatically clean themselves when they get dirty.

Care of eggs

If you’re interested in a pet snapping turtle, you’ll need to understand how to take care of snapping turtle eggs. Eggs may have a slightly depressed scratch or carved surface, and these eggs won’t hatch. These eggs were infertile all along. Even if they were fertile, they died prematurely. Luckily, you can prevent this from happening by following a few simple steps.

Care for hatchlings

There are several basic steps to take when caring for hatchling snapping turtles. The tank must be a warm, comfortable place for the turtle to hide from predators, have a high filter, and be equipped with hiding spots and a basking stone. In addition, the water must be kept clean, and half of the light must be directed toward the water. If you don’t have the time to take these steps, you can still help your hatchling turtle grow into a healthy adult.

Care of adults

Unlike younger snappers, which need regular feedings, adult snapping turtles should get 25-30% of their diet from live plants. The plants that they consume should be fast-growing. Some of the best choices are hornwort, java moss, water lettuce, duckweed, and water hyacinth. Snapping turtles also love lettuce leaves and other leafy greens. A few fruits and vegetables also work well as snacks.