Why Does My Cat Like Dogs But Not Other Cats?

If your cat enjoys playing with other cats, it may be a sign of unprovoked aggression. Dogs are scavengers by nature, while cats are territorial. As a result, dogs are likely to get more excited when they see a fast cat. If your cat chases a dog, it will try to defend itself with its claws. This is a natural response for both species.

Unprovoked aggression is

Why do some cats become aggressive toward other cats? In the majority of cases, cats do not become aggressive toward other cats on purpose. The initial episode of cat aggression is usually missed by owners, but the cause of the resulting aggression is not always clear. The initial trigger of aggression may not have been identified and the cat might simply direct its attention to the next thing it sees in the room. This is often a cat that is afraid of being touched and may attack a dog or cat she sees as a threat.

Redirected aggression occurs when a cat attacks another animal. For example, a cat may attack a dog outside the window, or another pet, like a human child. Because cats do not understand human body language, they might attack a dog even if it is merely the closest target. Cats are generally very reserved and may only tolerate humans for a short time, before deciding to attack them.

Dogs are scavengers by nature

It’s a well-known fact that dogs are scavengers by nature. Even lions enjoy stealing food, especially meat, and will happily consume the leftovers of their prey. They also often bully other carnivores into letting them have their food. Another fact you may not know: dogs often show their affection by licking people and other dogs. Dogs are natural lickers, and they’ll likely lick you too, especially if they can get to your face!

Although dogs are classified as scavengers by definition, not all breeds exhibit all predatory behaviors. Even dogs that have been bred for hunting display most or all of these behaviors. This includes hunting dogs and Sighthounds. In fact, the wolves that are the ancestors of the dog also show all of their predatory behaviors. Dogs are scavengers by nature, and this is a positive trait.

Cats are territorial

A cat’s territory is important to them, and they may act aggressively if someone or something tries to enter it. A cat may hiss or attack an intruder, be it another cat, a guest, or a new baby in the household. Cats may even react aggressively to a kitten, as the kittens may be seen as competition for resources. But if you notice these signs, it is time to contact a vet.

If your cat is acting aggressively, you may want to try to prevent the behavior by making sure the environment is as stress-free as possible. Cats mark their territory by spraying, urine, and feces on different objects, which serve as newspapers to other cats. Cats use these scents to identify their territory, so you can expect your cat to do the same if they feel threatened. However, this behavior is not deterring to other cats, so it’s best to ignore it.

Behavioral medication may reduce aggression

Medications for cats that like dogs are not the best solution for reducing aggression. Cats may develop aggressive behaviors, but they do not always show signs of fear or aggression. Some cats may respond well to the use of oral medications. Some of these medications contain alpha-casozepine, a milk protein that triggers the production of the neurotransmitter serotonin, the “happy” chemical. SSRI medications have been shown to reduce fear and aggression in cats. Behavioral medications for cats are generally safe and effective for reducing aggression. However, these medications should only be used when the cat is in a stressful environment, such as a veterinarian’s office, a groomer, or a change of environment.

A veterinary checkup is important for aggressive cats. A veterinarian can recommend alterations to the environment, such as litter boxes and food and water sources throughout the home. Providing a cat with a perch on which to peer out the window may be beneficial. Visiting a veterinarian can also rule out medical issues that may be contributing to aggressive behavior, such as an ear infection, sore mouth, urinary tract infection, bladder stones, or osteoarthritis.