Why Turtle Keeps Swimming Against the Glass?

A turtle that is new to its aquarium might struggle to adjust to its new environment. Because they don’t live in tanks in the wild, they may be confused by the glass in the tank. Therefore, they may try to swim past the glass, or even against it. It may take a few days for the turtle to become accustomed to the new environment. This problem is often caused by a number of factors, including stress, cystic calculi, or a lack of food.


What causes a turtle to swim against the glass? A turtle can be stressed for many reasons. Some may simply see their reflection, while others may be experiencing a physical issue. However, whether your turtle is stressed or just a little confused, here are some things to keep in mind. First, make sure your turtle has the proper tank size and shape. The tank should be large enough to fit your turtle’s shell without any curves.

Cystic calculi

If you notice that your turtle is swimming against the glass and has blood in its droppings, your pet may have a bladder stone. Your veterinarian will perform a physical exam, palpate the abdomen, and take x-rays to diagnose the problem. The stones will need to be surgically removed and your turtle will require fluid therapy to prevent further damage to its kidneys. If your pet cannot be operated on immediately, your veterinarian will discuss dietary and environmental modifications with you.


If you notice that your turtle keeps swimming against the glass, it could be because of dystocia, or egg retention. Egg retention can happen to female turtles at least once a year. A female turtle may display symptoms of dystocia like restlessness, lack of appetite, and listlessness. She may also be unable to swim or walk normally. Here’s what you can do to help your turtle if you think she’s suffering from dystocia.

Lack of food

If your turtle doesn’t seem to be eating or is losing weight, it may be due to a lack of food. A lack of food is often a sign of an internal infection or blockage of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, a female turtle that doesn’t eat might be suffering from a condition called dystocia. Dystocia can be fatal if not treated properly. If you notice your turtle’s lack of appetite, contact your veterinarian to determine the cause.

Stressed turtles

You’ve probably heard that turtles can be incredibly confused by the glass in their tank. After all, they don’t live in tanks in the wild, so they don’t know what to make of it. Your turtle might be swimming into the glass for no apparent reason, and it could take it a few days before it’s used to it. Luckily, there are solutions. If your turtle is consistently swimming against the glass, try adjusting its tank temperature as needed.

Pregnant turtles

When your pet turtle starts to eat more than usual, you may find that the result is a pregnancies. This is because the pregnant turtle spends much of its time searching for a nesting spot, diverting its attention from the dietary needs of the developing fetus. During this time, your turtle may overeat, dig holes, or try to swim through glass. To help your pet turtle nest successfully, create a nesting area in the vicinity of the glass window.

Need for a temperature between 75 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit

Generally speaking, a turtle needs water that’s between 75 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. It will struggle to stay in water that’s any less than that and will likely migrate to a warmer pool or water heater. This is a good thing, as it means that your turtle will be happier and healthier if you keep its water temperature between 74 and 80 degrees.